√ tamarind paste substitute concentrate 444202-Tamarind paste substitute concentrate
The edible pulp is contained in a long, narrow pod filled with seeds, similar to a beanSweettart, dark brownishred tamarind is a necessary ingredient for an authenticlooking and tasting pad thai It's commonly sold in paste (also called pulp) and in concentrate form But don't fret if neither is available—you can still make an excellent pad thai using the lime juice and water substitute below Tamarind Paste or PulpThe blocks of tamarind pulp are the tamarind fruit pods stripped of the outer husk and compressed tightly together It is full of fibers and seeds The pulp is usually a processed version of the block and should be relative free of fibers and seeds The paste is further refined and has been sifted and strained to remove the fibers and seeds Tamarind Concentrate Vs Tamarind Paste Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet Tamarind paste substitute concentrate